Michele Governatori

Power & Gas Lead

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Michele Governatori is ECCO Power & Gas Lead

Michele is a contracted professor of applied economics, a consultant and a popularizer in the field of Energy and Environment.

After his degree with honors in Economics at Bocconi University in 1996 in Milano, he completed the Master in Management of the Energy and Environment Industry of Scuola Superiore Enrico Mattei.

Since then, he has been working for several energy companies as an expert of market design and regulation, while never stopping his activity of researcher and popularizer in the fields of energy and environment. For over a decade he has been author of Derrick, a blog and radio broadcast for the all-news Radio Radicale and he kept contributing to academic and non-academic journals.

Turned independent consultant in 2020, he joined the initiative World Wide Carbon Price as coordinator of the scientific committee.

In a previous life, Michele authored short stories and novels, including “Carbonio” (Terre di Mezzo, 2012), a novel on a fictional case of leak from a CO2 sink aimed at mitigating climate change.

He tweets as MicGovernatori.

Pubblicazioni di Michele Governatori

Energy without Russia: Country report Italy

September 2023
The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the energy crisis which came in its wake have produced significant impacts on the energy sector in many EU countries, including Italy. This study shows that customers reacted to high gas prices by reducing consumption over and above the European target of 15%, with gas consumption dropping 18.6% from August 2022 to January 2023, in the absence of structural measures.

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How much investment is needed for the decarbonisation of the Italian economy?

September 2023
WRITTEN BYMario Noera et al.
A propaedeutic analysis for the revision of the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP). Estimates of the total investment that Italy needs in order to align with the new European Fit-for-55 targets range between an average of EUR 122 and EUR 134 billion per year. The additional investments needed are therefore EUR 30-42 billion per year higher than estimated in the NECP (2019), and 2-3 times higher than the amount allocated in the NRRP for the green transition in the 2021-26 five-year period (an average of EUR 14.4 billion per year).

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Policies for a decarbonised Italian electricity system in 2035

June 2023
The project aims to show the production technology, enabling technology and enabling policies required to comply with Italian energy regulations that an essentially decarbonised electricity system in 2035 will need to have in place in 2030 and 2035. The system will be the most economical of all those guaranteeing decarbonisation and security while complying with certain hypotheses.

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Capacity Market – Advocacy Kit and Position Paper

May 2021
Una breve introduzione al capacity market italiano e le ragioni per cui, a nostro parere, è incoerente e distorsivo con la transizione. Un kit, organizzato per punti, con le nostre proposte di modifica e i nostri suggerimenti in risposta alla consultazione Terna del maggio 2021.

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