Giulia Giordano

Director of Mediterranean and Global Strategy

Italian English

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Giulia Giordano is the Director of Mediterranean and Global Strategy at ECCO.

Giulia is an Italian researcher and practitioner with extensive experience in the Middle East. She joined ECCO during its initial phase of conception as the Head of Strategy and Development and currently leads the International Programme. 

Before joining ECCO, she was the Director of International Programs at EcoPeace Middle East, a trilateral organisation based in Israel, Jordan and Palestine. In her previous role, she was responsible for leading the organisation’s international advocacy and outreach programmes vis-à-vis foreign governments, diplomatic representatives and international organisations, often representing the organisation at international public events. 

Formerly, she was a visiting researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a lecturer at Al-Quds University in East Jerusalem, where she taught courses on Human Rights and International Environmental Law. She has worked with several civil society organisations and academic institutions and has written extensively on water security and environmental diplomacy.  

Giulia holds a PhD in Peace and Development Cooperation from the University of Perugia. Her research interests include environmental diplomacy, transboundary water cooperation and Middle Eastern politics. She is an alumna of the Water Diplomacy Initiative, a joint programme by the MIT, the Harvard Negotiation Program and Tuft University, a founding member of the Environmental Peacebuilding Association and a member of the Bosch Alumni Network. 

Pubblicazioni di Giulia Giordano

Energy without Russia: Country report Italy

September 2023
The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the energy crisis which came in its wake have produced significant impacts on the energy sector in many EU countries, including Italy. This study shows that customers reacted to high gas prices by reducing consumption over and above the European target of 15%, with gas consumption dropping 18.6% from August 2022 to January 2023, in the absence of structural measures.

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