Andrea Ghianda

Head of Communications

Italian English French

Leggi in italiano

Andrea Ghianda is the Head of Communications at ECCO.

Andrea is a senior communications professional with over 20 years of international experience in the public and private sectors. 

Following a degree in political science, Andrea began his professional career in a small communications agency. In 2008, his passion for politics and communication led him to Belgium to work in one of Brussels’ leading think tanks. 

Andrea strengthened his professional career in leading international NGOs and working as a consultant for the public and private sector. More recently, he worked as a Communication Specialist within the G20 Finance Track task force at the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, supporting the activities of the Italian G20 2021 Presidency. 

Working closely with pressure groups has given Andrea an in-depth understanding of lobbying dynamics and outreach strategy of private and public actors and civil society stakeholders. He has always been a strong advocate of purpose-driven communication. 

Andrea works in our Milan office. He enjoys public speaking and moderating debates in multilingual settings.