Chiara Saccani

Digital Communications Strategist

Italian English French

Leggi in italiano

Chiara Saccani is a Digital Communications Strategist at ECCO.

Before joining ECCO, Chiara gained extensive experience as a digital marketing specialist and account manager in communication agencies, where she was responsible for the strategy and implementation of digital campaigns for a variety of brands across Italy and internationally. She also worked as a managing editor for an editorial project focused on ecological and social transition issues. 

Chiara has a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the University of Genoa, where she spent part of her studies at the University Paris VII – Denis Diderot. She also earned a Master’s degree in Economics for the Environment and Culture from the Catholic University of Milan, followed by a Master’s degree in Digital Marketing from Ninja Academy. 

Over the years she has continued her education on environmental communication issues through courses at Bocconi University in Milan and IE Business School and participated in the first edition of the European Climate Foundation’s Power Up Academy. Chiara is currently an alumnus of Global Youth Climate Training, a joint program of the University of Oxford and the Global Youth Coalition.