Chiara Mariotti

Senior Associate International Finance

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Chiara Mariotti is a Senior Associate International Finance at ECCO. Chiara’s work focuses on development and climate finance. 

Chiara is a development economist with 17 years of experience in research, policy analysis, advocacy and campaigns on international development and global economic governance. She holds a PhD in Economics from SOAS, University of London and has worked for leading international development organisations including universities, think tanks, civil society and philanthropic institutions in London and Brussels. 

Chiara currently works as a freelance consultant and senior advisor on sustainable finance and economic justice issues. Most recently she was the Associate Director for Tax Justice at the Open Society Foundations, where she coordinated an initiative on debt and reform of the international financial architecture. She has also held positions at the European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad), Oxfam, and the Overseas Development Institute. 

Chiara brings expertise in strategic thinking on advancing economic and climate justice at both the national and international levels, along with experience in managing complex projects with international teams. She also offers thought leadership in the field of development finance. 

Pubblicazioni di Chiara Mariotti

Towards an international climate and development tax system: perspectives and opportinities

October 2024
The climate crisis and its associated costs have contributed substantially to placing international tax cooperation high on the international agenda. Taxation can facilitate the energy transition by disincentivising the use of fossil fuels; create additional resources to tackle climate change; contribute to climate justice by taxing fossil-intensive activities in the most polluting countries and allocating revenues to countries most vulnerable to climate change.

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Italy and the debt crisis: what implications for the partnership with Africa

June 2024
In recent years, Italy has demonstrated a growing interest in the African continent, culminating with the Italy-Africa Summit in January 2024. In order to develop a mutually beneficial partnership with Africa, through the Mattei Plan and the leadership earned through the 2024 G7 presidency, Italy must listen and respond to the needs expressed by its African partners, which include a series of reform proposals of the international financial architecture.

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